Three phases of CALL
Though CALL has developed gradually over the last 30 years, this development can be categorized in terms of three somewhat distinct phases which I will refer to as behavioristic CALL, communicative CALL, and integrative CALL (cf. Barson & Debski 1996). As we will see, the introduction of a new phase does not necessarily entail rejecting the programs and methods of a previous phase; rather the old is subsumed within the new. In addition, the phases do not gain prominence one fell swoop, but, like all innovations, gain acceptance slowly and unevenly. [ICT4LT Editor's Note: See Section 3, Module 1.4, where CALL typology and Phases of CALL are discussed further.]
1. Behavioristic CALL
The first phase of CALL,is recognized as the first phase of CALL. It the audio-lingual method. This phase entailed repetitive language drills and practice activities.
2. Communicative CALL
The second phase of CALL,The focus of CALL in this phase is using the language or function. Computer provide context for student to use the language, grammar.
The second phase of CALL,The focus of CALL in this phase is using the language or function. Computer provide context for student to use the language, grammar.
3. Integrative CALL
The teaching of four language skills including listening,speaking reading and writing.
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